Does your business have a charitable giving program? Will you add us to your employer/employee match program? Looking for volunteer opportunities? Please contact us.
Financial Support
We rely ​on the generous financial support of local businesses, churches, organizations, and individuals.
Your donation is tax-deductible and allows us to do the bargain shopping for items that are not donated in needed sizes.
Average cost for BLK to buy winter-wear items:
Warm coat $25
Snow pants $15
Snow boots $25
Water resistant gloves $9
Mailing Address:
PO Box 61
Ellsworth, WI 54011
We appreciate those who host collection boxes near you! (See list below.)
Donate Winter Wear
Kids rely on your donation of new and gently used winter coats, snow pants, boots, water-resistant gloves, and scarves to help them stay warm and active this winter. All sizes needed from newborn through adult (for teens). Boots sizes from infant through adult size 15.
We have drop off locations throughout Pierce & St. Croix counties.
Please avoid donating items that are very dated or have rips, stains or funky smells.
Citizens State Bank
(inside Nov.-Dec.)
HealthMax Chiropractic
(inside Sept.-Dec.)
Jonesy's Local Bar & Grill
(inside Nov.-Dec.)​
River Falls
First Congregational Church
​Property Executives Realty-
Laurie Larsen
(outside Oct.-Dec.)
(across from Walgreens on Main St)
​River Falls State Bank
(inside year round)
CCF Bank
(inside entrance year round)
Ellsworth Public Library
(inside Nov.-Dec.)
Pierce Pepin Electric Cooperative
Basics for Local Kids
(outside 24/7 year round)
(126 S Chestnut, Ellsworth)