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How can we help you help kids?

  • clothing
  • socks
  • shoes
  • toiletries
  • school supplies
  • backpacks
  • beds
  • bedding
  • winter coat
  • snow pants
  • boots
  • hats, gloves
Basics for Local Kids Inc. is a 501c3, charity organization based out of Ellsworth, WI, serving kids in Pierce & St. Croix counties ages newborn through 18 years oldSince 2010, we have helped local kids keep warm during cold Wisconsin winters. The winter-wear program allows families to directly submit winter-wear requests as well as case workers and school staff.
Working with case workers, schools, and shelters, we have also helped provide basic necessities to kids (newborn through 18 years old) in crisis or displaced from their homes. These items must be requested by case workers (county, shelters, etc.) or school staff.


We are a small organization with big hearts, helping hands, and the resourcefulness to do our best providing basics necessity items to help kids feel that people care about them by helping to meet their basic needs.


Our office/boutique space is located at 126 S Chestnut St, Ellsworth, WI, where we have 24/7 pick-up options available with a door code for case workers and school staff. We also may have volunteers willing to meet or drop-off in other communities in Pierce or St. Croix counties.


Submit a form and let us see what we can do or how quickly we can get it.
(We also have referral information for the Shriner's Healthcare for Children.)


Thank you SO MUCH for all that you do for kids! We appreciate you!!!

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